15 Casual Outfits to Wear for Thanks Giving 2020

Last updated: October 24, 2020

With Thanks Giving right around the corner, this means spending time with family you may not get a long with, or haven’ seen in a while, or you may even be doing a friends-giving. Nonetheless, its a holiday that allows you to wear all the cute Fall/Winter outfits.

You can definitely go really fancy if that’s your style, but with the amount of food you’re probably going to be eating, you need something casual that you can just relax and chill in. Basic leggings, jeans, sweaters, maybe even a pretty dress; these are all items that can make a casual outfit perfect for this time of the year!

Warm tones are always the way to go around this time of the year, and it makes sense. It fits the ambiance and theme of ThanksGiving. Burnt orange, blue, brown and white are the basic color schemes you want to stick with. A simple pair of jeans and baggy crew neck sweater is the ultimate casual look that you can eat, drink and relax in with the fam jam.

Sometimes we do activities during ThanksGiving or head out to a park, etc. A cue basic jacket can be worn overtop your outfit for a touch of fall. Keeps you warm and looking good.

Some other miscellaneous items you can wear are for a casual ThanksGiving outfit is a simple tights, boots or jacket. But typically you want to stick with the warm tones if you want to be all matchy matchy with the Fall season of browns, oranges, white, and all the dark colors! Casual outfits make it easier to give yourself a little more room to eat all the food!

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